Friday, January 20, 2012

NBAR with class-map

Lets take a question on NBAR match statement under a class-map

Why do these two matching statement generally be configured under a class-map?

class-map type inspect match-all CMAP_TELNET
  match access-group name ACL_TELNET
  match protocol tcp

ip access-list extended ACL_TELNET

permit tcp any any eq 23

When two match statements configured under a class map like above way then logical AND operation occurs meaning that the class is true only when both statements are matched.
In the above case one match statement inspecting the entire tcp protocol suit but on the condition if that traffic is destined for port 23 coming from anywhere. Also keep in mind that NBAR feature is activated with match protocol statement and this feature not only checks the port numbers but also various signatures associated with the protocol if required. 

If there is no need for deep packet level inspection then you can avoid usiing NBAR. However it is very common to use this feature in real world.

Let me ask you something, how you will classify telnet traffic if telnet server is hosted on port other than 23 say 2323. If it’s known to you than you can easily classify it based on destination port number but if you don’t then you have no option but to use NBAR for classification. FTP also requires using NBAR for classification because it uses different ports for control and data transfer (learn more about active and passive FTP modes).

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