Wednesday, March 21, 2012

CCIE R&S LAB Exam Preparation Strategy

Assuming CCIE R&S Written exam has been passed. The lab exam preparation strategy is as follows

1. Watch ATC -----> VOL1 scenarios    Require 2-3 Months and 3-4 hours per day
for example multicast Watch ATC for multicast and do all the vol1 scenarios for multicast and do not forget to check and this blog for each vol1 scenarios

2. Repeat step 1 for all technology

3. VOL 2 lab1    for completing each vlo2 lab it requires 1 week it include steps 3,4,5

4. Watch ATC for a technology ---> VOl1 theory only for this technology ----> Cisco DoC,, book for reference-----> VOl1 labs for this technology
for example vol2 lab1 task 1.1 has private vlans, first watch ATC with vol1 theory of it, read ine blog and Cisco DoC for it then do all the vol1 scenarios for this technology. Also do not forget to check for each vol2 and vol1 lab tasks.

5. Revise vol2 labs after completing it. for example you finish vol2 lab 1 in 1st week from mon to sat then revise this lab on sunday. Each sunday you can also do one VOL 3 lab.

6. Repeat 3, 4 and 5 for all vol2 labs.   

7. After completing 10 vol2 labs go for a ine MOCK lab for assessment. Give atleat one week for it and identified your weak areas.

8. For each weak Area technolgy do this:  ATC-->Vol1 theory-->INE blog--->Cisco DoC--->Vol1 scenarios--->

9. Follow same procedure in steps 3,4,5,6,7,8 for vol2 remaning labs 11 - 20

10. Once you completed all vol2 labs go for couple of more ine MOCK labs.

11. Repeat the vol2 labs but this time complete one vol2 lab along with one VOL 4 lab in a day. It may take 8-10 hours a day.

So this require a total time of 11-12 months for preperation

step 1  and 2 === 3 months  
step 3 to 8 ====  3 months
step 9 ======== 3 months
step 10 ======= 1 month
step 11======== 1 month




john@ccie security exam said...

thank you for the steps in lab preparation strategy

ccna training said...

Thanks for sharing this great content. This helped me to enhance my knowledge.

appointmente said...

I think this strategy is really great But also there are many training companies which provides all practice tools to pass the CCIE Lab ExaM for CCIE Security.